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Total Solar Eclipse in Indonesia 2016

Luckily Indonesia is the only country that can observe Total Solar Eclipse on 9 Mar 2016.

The eclipse can be seen in 12 province in Indonesia including :Padang, Bengkulu, Jambi, Palembang, Bangka Belitung, Kalimantan, Palu, Ternate and more. With 1.5 - 3 minute duration, many people already prepared for capturing the event.

My home town, Jakarta, experience 88.77% solar eclipse instead of Total Solar Eclipse. Using my father X-Ray result , I can see directly to the eclipse and take a picture of it.

My very first experience to witness Solar Eclipse. :)))

Today NASA scientists take 59 several-second exposures of the Sun in just over three minutes, capturing data on the innermost parts of the Sun's volatile, superhot atmosphere -- a region they can only observe during total solar eclipses when the Sun's overwhelmingly bright face is completely blocked by the Moon.

At this time , Gravitational microlensing phenomenon can be observed, as Einstein's Theory: Gravity effect from Big mass source will bend time and space, including light.

To test Albert Einstein's prediction, on 1919, Sir Arthur Eddington and Frank Dyson observe the star image when Total Eclipse happen. Comparing his eclipse photos with images taken when the sun was not present, and announced that the sun had caused a deflection of roughly 1.61 seconds of arc, a result that was in agreement with Einstein's prediction.

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